Meet The Designer of Honey Bea Hive
Tanika is a United States military spouse and self-taught handmade jewelry designer, originally from Northern Virginia and currently residing in Fort Worth, Texas. Her jewelry design process is based on being inspired by a certain place or thing and looking through a variety of materials, which then becomes the base for creative ideas that she turns into a new jewelry style. Read our interview with Tanika below to find out more...
TCBJ: Where did you grow up? Where do you live now?
Tanika: I grew up in Virginia. I spent half my life in Richmond, VA and the other half in Woodbridge, VA (Northern, VA aka D.M.V area). My family is not stationed in Camp Lejeune, NC as a military family we are consistently in a new place.
TCBJ: Describe yourself using 4 words.
Tanika: Resilient Goofy Intelligent Ambitious
TCBJ: How would you define yourself?
Tanika: Tanika – a woman that believes that anything she puts her mind to, she can achieve, success is important to her but her meaning of success is rooted in being able to care and provided for others.
TCBJ: What three items would you never leave home without?
Tanika: Earrings, Phone, Cute shoes
TCBJ: How do you define your personal style?
Tanika: My personal style is a mix of vintage/rocker chic. I like a girly style but with a little edge.
TCBJ: What are you inspired by, or what motivates you?
Tanika: My family is my inspiration. I come from a huge close-knit family and they all keep me motived and push me to do my best by sharing their own achievements and life lessons
TCBJ: Which people do you admire, or who inspires you? (Still alive or not)
Tanika: Two public figures that I admire the most are Michelle Obama and Maya Angelou. These women both did impeccable things with classic style and grace.
TCBJ: Where does your personal inspiration come from?
Tanika: My personal inspiration comes from my Mother Amanda Thorne. She is the true definition of a strong black women but taught me when to use my strength and when to allow others to be my strength. She is everything I hope to be in my life as a black woman and mother.
TCBJ: How would you describe your jewelry design aesthetic or design process?
Tanika: My design process is normally based on feelings. I will look through materials or get inspired from a place of thing and I turn it into my jewelry style.
TCBJ: How did you get into your designing jewelry?
Tanika: I have always been a D.I.Y woman. I love creating and crafting. Accessorizing has always been a huge part of my wardrobe. I'have wanted to create my earring shop for awhile now. It took me 3 years to finally take the leap after learning and working on my B.S. in Business Management. Once I had my daughter and became a stay at home mom it was the push I needed, and I dove into designing my jewelry and opening my business.
TCBJ: What is one thing that most people would be surprised to know about you?
Tanika: That’s a hard one, I’m pretty much an open book. I guess if it was anything, it would be that I can’t stand Ketchup. The smell everything about it makes my stomach turn.
TCBJ: Imagine that you were featured on the cover of an international magazine in the year 2020, what would the title of your cover story say or be about?
Tanika: "Honey Bea Hives Owner is a mix of Bold Style and Classic Grace."
TCBJ: What new ventures/events/plans are you looking forward to for the rest of this year?
Tanika: Collaborations, Relocating to New Orleans, and expanding my current inventory to include more pieces for every style.
TCBJ: Where do you see yourself and/or your career in the next 5 years?
Tanika: My jewelry in cute brick and mortar boutiques and maybe owning my own boutique.
TCBJ: What is your favorite quote or what is a statement/mantra you try to live by?
Tanika: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lead not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your path." Proverbs 3:5-6
Mattie Smith
Keep up the good work & you will always suceed.Just remember,your Grandma &I have been friends for over 40 yrs.Watched your Mom & Dad grow up ! Love you with the Love of the Lord ,Mattie Smith